Sunday, January 31, 2010


I think we all have those days were we feel we don't have the strength to move another muscle, or think another thought. Deadlines, bills, errands, chores, meetings, and even cold winter days can all leave us feeling emotionally and physically weak. I think the best thing to do is give yourself a break, and not to keep pushing. Let your mind and body recharge.

That is what taking photos does for me. Allows me to escape the not so pleasant things in my life, and instead focus on things of interest, or beauty, or both. It's amazing how much energy I get out of taking what I feel is a great photo, or even spending time looking at pictures in books on subjects I find interesting. So go ahead. Take a break.

As for this guy, he has been holding up this column at the foot of Yonge Street since the 1860's. Talk about strength....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I have rather enjoyed the January thaw we have been experiencing. Temperatures above zero is always a nice treat this time of year. That said, the days have been a little grey, even for me who happens to love that colour. So this shot is just simply about adding a nice shot of a fresh, lush, green Hosta leaf complete with rain drops. It's almost February, so we are heading in the right direction. This shot was actually taken on the grounds of Ryerson University.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bright Spot.

A while back I posted another photo of some bikes on a sidewalk. They had a slightly different feel being mostly in rust tones, and the basket being wood. This one was a bright spot on a dark, cloudy, January day. I think it is great that people personalize their bikes. You tend to look at the bike, and then try to figure out the owners personal style. This bike would seem at home on Queen Street, Parkdale, Kensington, or some other artsy area, but it was actually at Yonge and Dundas. Not the most bike friendly area, but who wouldn't make way for a cheery sight like this?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Turned off.

Yes it is just a tap. But take a closer look. Does the style of the tap not give a sense of a former time? What do you think of the colours and patterns that time has created on the tap? And see how the colours blend nicely with the background of fallen leaves left on the ground. There are oranges, pinks, browns, reds, and greens. Just an example of everyday things that stop me, and make me take a longer look. It's becoming a thing I just can't turn off.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I stand out.

Lately my 'obsession' for texture has grown to a point that it takes me forever to walk a city block. Every post, pole, fence, paper or metal object causes me to stop and look at it from a different perspective. What seems like a disregarded or forgotten object can actually become a thing of interest, and perhaps beauty. This tattered poster almost escaped my eye as it was above my head. I took a few shots and of course noticed people looking at me wondering what I was taking photos of. In turn, I wonder where they are rushing off too. Don't they know the whole city is an Art Gallery, and they should slow down and take a look?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Looking Down..

You may find it difficult, but this shot is a mixture of real trees and reflections. I decided to walk to Greek town today which takes you over the Bloor Street Viaduct. This shot was taken half way across the viaduct and looking down into the Don River. I figured I have shown mostly urban photos, so it was time to show a nature one. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Call Me Vintage

Remember these? I don't remember the last time I actually used one. I figured I had better take a photo of one before they completely become extinct. Of course the colour of this phone, mixed with the graffiti, and the angle of the receiver caught me eye.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Glass of Red

I'm usually a white wine drinker, but occasionally I don't mind a nice deep velvety red wine. Especially in the cold months, and with a nice beef stew, or coq au vin. (Which happens to be my new favorite dish)

This 'aged' or perhaps 'vintage' mural is from the side of the LCBO in Cabbagetown. Not sure if it is still there or not. I produced and framed a copy of this, and I have to say it adds a nice flavour to my wall. ;)


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why me?

I usually live out my day to day life with the motto everything happens for a reason. That said, I am not immune to the throwing my hands up in the air and yelling "Why me?". January seems to be the month for me that proves the most questioning, and this one is no exception.

I don't know much about this guy throwing his hands up in desperation, but I do know he is part of a small group of figures in a small park I believe called Ireland Park, and they are there in remembrance of the Great Irish Famine in the 1840's. (Which is part of the reason why I am here...)I will post the others in time.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Coffee and a Muffin

I've been sitting at the computer for two days trying to work on my New Years goal. Sorting pictures, trying to group them together, work on a resume, biography, all things I've been meaning to do, but have fallen behind on. Seemed like a good weekend to work on it since it is so cold out. I ran across this picture, and immediately decided it was time for a coffee and snack. A simple picture, and yet it created a response. Funny how that works.

It was taken this past fall from a popular little shop in Cabbagetown...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Looking Up

The other night my partner and I watched a movie called 500 Days of Summer. One of the main characters was a student of architecture and he made the comment that on street level most buildings are boring or void of character. He advised the person he was with to look up, and it is up off of street level that most buildings show off their true beauty and fine details. I have said this many times myself. There is so much hidden details, beauty, and workmanship in many of Toronto's buildings that go by unnoticed because they are up off street level, or covered in years of paint, or bad renovations. I don't think we could ever replace some of these great buildings today, because the craftsmen are long gone, and I'm sure the skills have been passed down to very few, or sadly none. In the 50's and 60's Toronto tore down many, many, buildings with such great architectural details, and workmanship. A huge blemish on our sense of heritage preservation. At least some have survived such as this one. Taken on a recent snowy day it is the details of a building on Toronto Street, downtown. I hope it encourages you all to look up..

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


It seems that bicycles are always a favorite subject to photograph, and these two are no exception. In most picture books, or postcards from rustic towns in France, or Italy you always come across the 'bicycle' shot. You know it. It usually has a basket, is leaning against a wall, and evokes a sense of nostalgia, or a relaxing holiday, or times past. Now I've got my own Toronto version. Slightly more urban feeling then the mentioned old countries, but they still have a certain charm in my opinion.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Snowy Day

I got off work earlier then usual today, and decided since it was fairly mild, and snowing to take my camera and my friends dog for a walk to Allan Gardens. There is something about a new snow that seems so fresh and still, and makes almost everything look beautiful. Take a dried up rose hip, and add some snow, and you get an instant burst of colour, and a great moment in nature.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Yellow & Turquoise

Another one of my favorite urban texture shots, this time in yellow and turquoise. Most of these shots are of brick walls that have been painted several times, and the effects of weather and time, have caused them to peel and show multiple colours. Some of them are murals, or graffiti that have also been aged by natural elements. Regardless, I will always be a fan of the end result, and am happy when I capture a small segment of the entire wall.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I mentioned in an earlier post that there were some great pieces of public art, and shortly after I wrote that I discovered this fine fellow in the financial district. And then in true Scott fashion, I decided to capture just a section of it. I tend to see something as most people do, and probably as the original artist intended, and then I try to look at it differently, or focus on a particular part. Now you get to create in your mind how you picture the rest of the elephant, the surroundings, and whatever else comes to mind. It is such a wonderful process, isn't it?

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year

January 1, 2010. A new year, a new beginning. May it bring us all joy, happiness, health, and wonderful moments captured by a camera.
