So today was a bit of a blue day. We were supposed to move this week into our new apartment, but due to legalities, insurance issues, and unorganized inspectors, it didn't happen. None of it from my end mind you. And my very stunning indigo blue, and scarlet red Betta fish, is dying. He is almost a year old, so he did last a long time. Yes, he is just a silly fish, but still it did not help the mood.
So to fight off the frustration, I suggested a walk to the Junction. This up and coming area is on Dundas Street West. It's a nice area, quiet, seems safe, and the architecture is mostly 1910-20's. Full of little cafes, antique shops, and hair stylists. (????) Not a Starbucks in sight. Yet.
Found this great little texture shot, and was immediately drawn to the cheery colours. Very spring like. Thought I would post it, and chase those blues away.