Friday, March 26, 2010


I figured since the temperatures plunged back to winter like levels, it was the perfect time to remind us all that it is actually spring, the days are growing longer, and it won't be too long before tulips are actually blooming outdoors.

These purple beauties were blooming indoors at Allan Gardens in early March. It was a cloudy day which created the soft haze behind these blooms.

Enjoy, and stay warm!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


It has been a while since I posted due to the fact my partner and I just moved, and I have been juggling a few small projects. This picture was from my last outing which was early March. We were walking back from visiting the gallery that has offered to show my work and I saw this simple yet striking shot of the red sprinkler on a bright white wall. I thought the shadow added to it, and gives the feeling it was taken on a hot summers day, when in reality it was a cool late winters day.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Beach

Took advantage of the bright sun, fairly mild temperatures, calm winds and headed via streetcar to the Beaches on Queen Street East. The area was full of dog walkers, elderly people out for a stroll on the boardwalk, children collecting pebbles, and people sitting on benches reading. If I was more established at taking people shots, I would have. But the point of the day was to practice on Hugh. (And believe me, he does not mind having his photo taken) This was one of my favorites.....

p.s. My fish, after lying on the bottom of the bowl for 5 days, is now swimming around again. What a trooper!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spring colours

So today was a bit of a blue day. We were supposed to move this week into our new apartment, but due to legalities, insurance issues, and unorganized inspectors, it didn't happen. None of it from my end mind you. And my very stunning indigo blue, and scarlet red Betta fish, is dying. He is almost a year old, so he did last a long time. Yes, he is just a silly fish, but still it did not help the mood.

So to fight off the frustration, I suggested a walk to the Junction. This up and coming area is on Dundas Street West. It's a nice area, quiet, seems safe, and the architecture is mostly 1910-20's. Full of little cafes, antique shops, and hair stylists. (????) Not a Starbucks in sight. Yet.

Found this great little texture shot, and was immediately drawn to the cheery colours. Very spring like. Thought I would post it, and chase those blues away.

Monday, March 1, 2010


There are a few days where I feel I need to take my camera with me even though I have no intention of taking photos. This shot was on one of those days. I was doing errands and came across this rusted metal and wood flower in someones front garden. I really liked the colours which remind me of mother-of-pearl, yet it is my typical interest of rust, and weathered wood.

You just never know what you are going to see....