Friday, June 25, 2010

The popular hat..

This shot is from a walk though Toronto's China Town recently. It appeared as if one of them had just shared a funny joke. Of course I had to notice that all three of them were wearing the same hat....This is one of my favorite people shots thus far.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Blue sky..

This day has started off cool, windy, and damp so this photo is simply a reminder of the sun and temperatures we were enjoying a week ago. Blue sky against the white pillars and arches of the Sunnyside Pavilion. Almost has a Mediterranean feel to it........

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


This past weekend we made a trip to both the Beaches on the east side of Toronto, and Sunnyside Beach, on the west side side. Both are historical beaches in that they once used to be huge destinations in the early days of the 19th century, complete with amusement parks, pavilions, boathouses, and of course swimmers. After years of neglect, and bad waterfront decisions, both beaches have enjoyed a renaissance and are being restored back to areas of beauty, and recreation. We are having an incredibly warm spring with temperatures already in the 30's so this weekend found both beaches packed with sunbathers, and even swimmers. I managed to find this quiet and still shot at Sunnyside............